
I have no idea.

There are one or two really strange features about Madang.  One is that, particularly in the vicinity of schools and near the public playing field, you often see football boots and training shoes hanging from the telephone wires.

Vendemaere 038


Vendemaere 036

I have no idea why the kids do this, other than for the time-honoured reason “because they can.”

One recent visitor to Madang  told me that in places like New York, trainers hanging over telegraph wires can be a sign of one gang delineating its territory to other gangs, but I am not sure that this is the case in Madang.  I just find it difficult to believe that teenage gangs in this town are that well organised or territorial.

What I do know is that they are bloody good at throwing the shoes up and getting them to entwine themselves around the wires.  They’re everywhere!


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3 thoughts on “I have no idea.

  1. Joe Griffin on said:

    Hang about or else I’ll shoo you away

  2. Joe Griffin on said:

    Hang about or else I’ll shoo you away!

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